Empowering Sukorame Village Community Through the Sukorame Waste Processing Management System (SIMPOSKO)

Restin Meilina, Basthoumi Muslih, Sigit Wisnu Setya Bhirawa, Natassya Adelia Candradhita Leonard


Overcome the waste in Indonesia are one of the government's concerns, one of which is the establishment of Waste Banks in Indonesian regions through the Ministry of Environment. Kediri city have 110 waste banks recorded but not enough to solve the waste problem. 140 tons of waste is  thrown in the Kediri landfill every day. The Waste Bank in Sukorame Village, Kediri City, East Java has a commitment to solving the waste problem by waste management. So far, waste management efforts are still limited to selling waste to collectors at low prices, whereas from observations it is known that administrators have the skills to process waste into recycled craft products. With these skills, waste bank productivity should be able to increase further so that customer welfare also increases. The aim of this community service is to develop a web-based application called SIMPOSKO (Sukorame Waste Processing Management System) with 3 main features : education, promotion and information. The existence of this system is expected to help market waste recycling products so as to increase waste bank productivity and income. Activities are carried out through outreach through training and education to all sub-district administrators and officials, technical guidance and intensive assistance in using the system, mass media publications, mentoring and evaluation of activities to ensure the sustainability of system management.The results of the service show that the system has succeeded in disseminating information and education regarding waste processing, the dangers posed by waste, marketing platforms and branding for waste recycling products, as well as waste bank profiles so that it can increase the productivity of the Sukorame waste bank in overcoming the waste problem in Indonesia and can also increase people's income and welfare.


Waste Management;Waste Banks; Recycle; Management System


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DOI: 10.55824/jpm.v2i6.372


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