Pengaruh Zuhud Dalam Ekonomi Islam Perspektif Al-Ghazali

Ryal Alghifari, Rohmawan Rohmawan, Nurlaela Nurlaela


Discourses around the issue of asceticism from an Islamic economic perspective (al-Iqtisad al-Islamiy) are commonplace. It is often considered ambiguous. Given the concept of zuhud in its development, misuse and misunderstanding by Muslims regarding the meaning of zuhud itself are still high. In practice, Muslims consider zuhud to be achieved by escaping from worldly life, living in poverty, and being apathetic towards socio-economics. Therefore, the misconception of zuhud needs to be solved, especially in the context of Islamic economics. So this research departs from two problems, first, how is the concept of zuhud and Islamic economics according to Imam Al Ghazali. second, What is the influence of zuhud on Islamic economics according to Al-Ghazali? The method that the author uses in this journal is library research using documentation techniques, where the author collects primary, secondary, and tertiary documents which are then analyzed and collected so that they become answers to the formulation of the problems that the author raises. Based on the analysis conducted, the conclusion of this study shows that according to Ghazali, zuhud is not leaving all worldly activities, but zuhud people must also be able to manage the economy because economic growth is part of social duties and obligations (fardhu kifayah) outlined by Allah SWT. . Without economic independence, people's lives will be in the shadow of poverty, ignorance, oppression, and tyranny. Therefore, life in the world and the hereafter must be balanced. the author hopes that with the actual construction of zuhud and the comprehensiveness of the economic development of the Muslim community there will be an increase so that enthusiasm to help one another is awakened.


Zuhud; Islamic Economics; Well-being.


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