Editorial Policies
Focus and Scope
Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies (JIEFS) diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Edumedia Solution, dimaksudkan sebagai media informasi, komunikasi, dan diseminasi hasil penelitian dan kajian ilmiah di bidang ekonomi syariah dan keuangan syariah.Â
Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies (JIEFS)Â menyediakan forum pertukaran ilmiah bagi akademisi, praktisi, pengamat tajam, dan peneliti independen, dengan menerbitkan kontribusi teoretis, empiris, dan kebijakan berkualitas tinggi.
Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies (JIEFS) terbit 3 (tiga) kali setahun pada bulan Maret Juli, dan Nopember. Artikel yang telah publish dapat didownload secara gratis, dibaca dan disebarluaskan sebagai rujukan artikel selanjutnya.
Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies (JIEFS) menerbitkan artikel –artikel dengan scope, meliputi
1. Islamic Economics
- • Islamic micro economics
- • Islamic macro economics
- • Islamic monetary economics
- • Islamic development economics
- • Islamic international economics
- • Islamic public and fiscal economics
- • Islamic human resource economics
- • Islamic natural resource economics
- • Islamic digital economy
- • Hajj and umrah economics
- • Halal tourism and hospitality
- • Zakah, waqf and Islamic Philanthropy
2. Islamic Finance
- • Islamic banking system
- • Islamic capital and commodity market
- • Islamic insurance and re-insurance
- • Islamic financial technology
- • Islamic financial markets
- • Islamic financial strategic
- • Islamic financial planning
- • Islamic social fund and crowdfunding
- • Islamic micro and rural finance
- • Islamic corporate finance
- • Islamic investment strategy
- • Islamic legal and regulatory issues
Section Policies
- Open Submissions
- Indexed
- Peer Reviewed
Peer Review Process
Every article published in the Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies through the process of double-blind peer-reviewed by a peer-reviewer of this journal. Submitted articles are reviewed by the editorial team as the initial process. The editorial team will evaluate the feasibility of the content, focus, and methodology in the article. The article is then sent to one reviewer at multiple positions Blind Reviews. Note from reviewer then sent back to the author's adapted to the standard of writing journals. Decision of the revised manuscript will be re-evaluated in the meeting of the editorial board. Then, the editor's decision in the final meeting will be communicated to the author. Jurnal Kajian Jawa editors are responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted should be published. Validation of these works and their importance for researchers and readers should always push the decision. editor can be guided by the journal editorial policy board and limited by law to be enforced regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism (plagiarism). The editor may confer with other editors or the assessment team in making this decision.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...